Forms & Documents

Downloadable forms and documents

Pension Plan Forms

Document name

Please complete and submit to Ellement when enrolling in the Pension Plan.

Please complete and submit to Ellement to designate, update or change your beneficiary(ies).

Please complete and submit to Ellement when you have member changes such as change of address, change of name, or change of contact information.

A direct transfer form to be filled out upon termination, or retirement to transfer funds from the Pension Plan to another financial institution.

A summary of the Pension Plan provisions.

A booklet that provides the member with information about the Pension Plan provisions.

A step by step guide to the Home Care Member pension portal.

Benefits Plan Forms

Document name

Please complete and submit to dental expenses to Canada Life

Please complete and submit with applicable receipts to Canada Life for vision care claim expenses.

A summary of your responsibilities when on a weekly sick leave claim.

If you are unable to work due to an illness or accident, please have the following parties complete the forms: your medical physician, your employer and yourself and submit to Canada Life.

Please complete and submit to your employer (RHA) when enrolling in the Life Insurance Plan.

Please complete and submit to your employer (RHA) to designate, update or change your beneficiary (ies) for the Life Insurance Plan

A summary of the Benefits Plan provisions.

A booklet that provides the member with information about the Benefits Plan provisions.